Overview of Activities
- 3D Fruit
- Bird Feeder
- Caterpillar Chain
- Egg Carton Flowers
- Garden Vegetable Painting
- Greenhouse in a Bag
- Ladybug Crown
- Pass the Pinecone
- Planting Seeds
- Worm Tag
3D Fruit
- Fold the piece of construction paper in half and draw half a shape of a fruit along the fold
- Cut out the fruit
- Repeat the first two steps twice- you should now have three identical fruit pieces
- For cored fruit (example is an apple)
- Cut out semicircle in middle
- Decorate the fruit so it appears to be a cut slice
- For hollowed-out fruit (strawberry)
- Cut out hole in center of one fruit
- Fold that one fruit in half
- Cut twice on the curve, top and bottom, but stopping before you reach the hole in the center
- For both types of fruit, on the other two pieces, fold in half and cut halfway through
- Insert the slices
- You have your fruit!
- If you want a solid fruit (watermelon)
- On one piece, cut halfway through the fold line from the bottom,
- On the other two pieces, cut halfway through the fold line from the top
- Slip slits inside each other, making one 3D fruit
- You have your fruit!
- Toilet Paper Roll
- Peanut Butter
- Bird Seed
- Spoon
- Hole Punch
- String
- On the toilet paper roll, punch two holes across from each other on the top
- Tie a string through the holes and tie up so you have something to hang it by it (optional)
- Cover the paper towel roll in peanut butter (spread it out thick!)
- Roll it around in the seeds
- You can either hang it or put it on a branch of a tree
Caterpillar Chain
- Cut out strips of colored paper
- Wrap a strip together to form a circle and tape
- Loop the next strip through the previous and tape
- Continue until you have your desired lenghth
- Draw eyes and tape pipe cleaners as antennas on the first part of the chain to make the caterpillar's face
Carton Flowers
- Cut one of the cups from an egg carton
- Paint the cup on the outside and a different color on the inside
- Draw a flower stem on the paper where on the ends are pointed
- Make a small little hole in the bottom of the egg carton cup
- Stick the pointed end of the stem into the hole until it is firmly in place
Garden Vegetable Painting
- Assorted Vegetables
- Paint
- Knife
- Paper
- Cut vegetables in half
- Let children place cut vegetables in paint and then use them as a stamp by stamping the vegetables onto the paper
Greenhouse in a Bag
- Place wet cotton balls in the zip bag with the seeds placed against them
- Seal the zip bag and tape it to a window where it will receive plenty of sunlight and your should begin to sprout in 3-5 days
- When the seed grows at least 1 inch you can plant it in a cup of soil
Ladybug Crown
- Cut four hearts from white or red paper
- Cut 2 or 3 strips of red construction paper about 4 inches wide
- Tape pieces to end to create a long piece
- Wrap around the child’s head to see how long it needs to be and cut off the extra
- Either draw circles on paper and color them in black or cut out of black construction paper circles
- Attach circles to red construction paper
- Wrap pipe cleaner around a pencil to make a spring—do this for two pipe cleaners
- Tape hearts onto the top of the pipe cleaners (one on each side)
- Tape both pipe cleaners to the long piece of construction paper so they are either in the front or on the sides
- Tape the construction paper ends together to form a crown and put it on!
Link: http://www.dltk-kids.com/crafts/insects/mladybughat.htm
Pass the Pine Cone
- Like hot potato, children pass the pine cone around and when the music stops the person holding the pine cone is out
- Continues until one person is left and is the winner
Planting Seeds
- Place dirt into the cup, filling it halfway
- Place the seed into the cut
- Cover the seed with the soil
- Water every day and as plant grows, it may need to be placed in a bigger container
Worm Tag
- At least 4 players
- One person is it
- Children run around If they are tagged, they link up to the “it” person
- As more people are tagged they make a longer chain
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