
3D Fruit
  • Not all oranges are the color orange
  • Japanese Yubari cantaloupes are the most expensive fruit in the world and two melons were once auctioned off at $23,500
  • There are donuts peaches that are a natural mutation
  • Cranberries can bounce
  • One pomegranate can hold more than 1,000 seeds
  • A strawberry isn’t technically a berry or even a fruit because they don’t have seeds on the inside
  • A banana is actually a berry
  • Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave
  • Apples, Peaches, and Raspberries are all a part of the Rose Family
  • The most popular fruit is the tomato
  • Square watermelons are grown by Japanese farmers for easier stack and store

Bird Feeders
  • Birds are believed to have come from dinosaurs
  • Ostrich is the largest bird in the world and also lays the largest eggs
  • There are 10000 different species of bird
  • They have hollow bones to help them fly
  • Some birds are flightless, such as Kiwis and Penguins
  • Hummingbirds can fly backwards
  • The smallest bird in the world is the Bee Hummingbird with a length of 5 centimeters

Caterpillar Chain
  • Caterpillars spend most of their time eating
  • The lifespan of a caterpillar is about from two to four weeks
  • Many can camouflage or blend into their surroundings
  • They have eight pairs of legs
  • They have six pairs of small, simple eyes
  • Caterpillar’s predators are birds, mammals, wasps and other caterpillars
  • There are over 180,000 different species of caterpillar

Egg Carton Flowers

  • There are more than 250,000 species of flowering plants in the world
  • Titan Arum are the world’s largest flower and is almost 10 feet in height
  • In 17th century Holland, Tulip bulbs were more valuable than gold
  • Dandelions look like weeds but are actually a good source of vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and potassium
  • Tulips grow at a rate of 1 inch per day even after being cut
  • Sunflower oil is widely used for cooking while the seeds are a common snack

Garden Vegetable Painting

  • The most nutritious part of a vegetable is the skin and the layer directly beneath it
  • The nutritional value of vegetables decrease during cooking process
  • They generally are low in fat and calories
  • Frozen vegetables are just as good as fresh vegetables
  • They contain some of the richest sources of important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients
  • Vegetables have many healing capability

Greenhouse in a bag
  • Beans are the only plants that actually help, rather than deplete soil
  • Cooked beans be frozen for up to six months
  • In ancient Rome, beans were so popular four families took their names from them
    • Lentullus (lentil)
    • Piso (pea)
    • Cicero (chickpea)
    • Fabius (fava)
  • Beans are also known as lentils
  • India, Canada, Turkey, Australia, Nepal, china, Bangladesh, and the United States are all the world’s top bean producers
  • Coffee beans aren’t beans

Ladybug Crown

  • They are beetles
  • Their bright colors warn predators to stay away
  • You cannot tell a ladybug’s age by counting its spots
  • They are closely related to fireflies and June bugs
  • While most ladybugs are red with black spots, they can also be orange, yellow, black with red, brown, pink or grey spots
  • There are 5,000 different varieties of ladybugs in the world
  • They hibernate in the winter
  • Ladybugs live between three to nine months
  • They are slow fliers
Planting Seeds
  • The largest seed in the world is the double coconut, with the ability to measure up to 50 cm around the middle
  • Seeds provide food for people all around the world-your toast, pasta, rice, and other meals all started as seeds
  • Some orchid seed-pods hold 3 million seeds
  • There are some very dangerous seeds, such as those which come from nightshade, that could cause you to become really ill and potentially die
  • Most oak trees don’t grow acorns (their seeds) until they are at least 50 years old

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